"whoever touches us, teaches us....."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I really don't have much to write about today...It was a good day and unseasonably cool for the South, so for that I am grateful. So instead of me rambling for 5 minutes, I would like to borrow this beautiful post which was written by my friend. He is a new blogger, although not new to writing. I think he writes beautifully, simple and to the point. He commutes nearly an hour (one way!) every day to work. His goal is to "blog his daily thoughts" that accompany him on his drive. I think this post is soulful and nostalgic; read it and see what you think. And feel free to leave him a comment! http://thoughtswhiledrivingandothermusings.blogspot.com/2008/08/illusion-of-winter-past.html

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Joy of ......

Rain. Pure simple rain. My joy today comes in the form of much needed showers. All day we have had drizzly, slow rain, gray skies and cool cool temps of low 80's rather than the normal 100 of August. This is usually our hottest month and last year we also were plagued by crippling drought. This year, although we have had some hot days and little rain, we haven't suffered as much. Today was a treat for my garden and yard, not to mention sparing me from standing in the heat trying to give every plant a quick drink from the hose. I love to garden when the weather is mild, but my aging bones can't stand the heat anymore. I wish we could have a little thunder and lightening tonight to complete my favorite kind of night...