"whoever touches us, teaches us....."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What A Difference A Day Makes

What a difference six weeks and 40 degrees makes.....This is my front yard in a March "snow storm" (yeah, yeah , I know but still, this is the deep South!) and this weekend in a stalled rainstorm which flooded much of my town. In all the years I have lived here, I have never seen this town flood at all. This water eventually crept up into my house, flooding out a rarely used sun room, and just barely dampening the edges of the carpet in a few rooms. I am kind of afraid to see what this vista might offer to me next!!!


NCmountainwoman said...

Oh, I hope there wasn't a lot of damage! We've had some severe storms here with high winds. I hope the rain has ended for you for a while!

Day Traveler said...

I've never seen such a thing in this part of the country. How powerful and amazing is nature.

sue said...

Oh, wow... here's hoping not much damage.

Anonymous said...

Yikes - hope the damage to the room is not too bad. Hopefully, the rain will soak in and do the landscape a favor.

Col said...

The power of Nature can be very humbling. I am sure this was not a pleasant experience. I am hoping all is now dry and repaired.