"whoever touches us, teaches us....."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Whats This????

In my garage, I have an old, small chest of drawers that sits right outside my kitchen door. It has been a handy place for dropping gardening gloves, pruning shears, tiles that I have dug up out of the ground...anything I would normally lose out in the yard. You can see all these things laying on the top. Wait, never mind, that is a hatchet, not pruners .You can also see in the picture that I keep garbage bags and a weeder stuck in the top drawer..thus it stands open pretty much all of the time.

But look what else is inside the top drawer...a new birds nest. A little male and female chickadee are building a new nest; in the nice cool (relatively) and shady garage. I do wonder why birds would be starting a new nest now...do they lay eggs this late in the season? Or are they just after a little love nest? This afternoon when I pulled my car in the garage, they were sitting together side by side on the edge of the open drawer. I wish I could have grabbed my camera, but they hopped off long enough for me to pass through the door. I guess this drawer will stay open awhile longer!


Anonymous said...

That's so great that chicakdees are making ahome there. WOnder if you'll get to see them feeding babies?

Phyllis S said...


Rose said...

What a surprise for you! They must not be too frightened of humans. Like you, I never have my camera with me when I really want it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit.

Roses and Lilacs said...

What an interesting place they picked. I have read chickadees only have one nest per season, early in the spring. Your chickadees obviously haven't read that book;)

100 Thoughts of Love said...

I agree, it seems odd they would nest this late in the season..maybe they are not going to lay eggs...maybe it really is just a little love nest!!!

Anonymous said...

How sweet is that. :-)