"whoever touches us, teaches us....."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

36. That he loves movies-in-bed-all-day days....

Spring and summer finds me out and about...always some gardening or yardwork to do. My weekends seem filled with chores, allowing little time for passive activity. Cold or rainy days.... those are the days that call me to the bed! Wether storms or cold prevails, I am easily persuaded to pass the time in bed for the day. Down quilts and fluffed pillows, junk food and wine, and movies that just delight the soul! Some people would think that is such a waste of good time. Larry can waste away a day in bed with the best of them. No guilt laid on me from him; or from me either! We haven't had the luxury of many of these days. The darn weather won't cooperate. Its been unseasonably warm so far this winter and we are having a drought, so the stormy days are lacking also. But we had a few worthy of slacking. Both were long lazy days, mixed with naps and sex and movies. We ventured out for food and drink only, and the only chores were starting the washer and dryer. The simple guiltless pleasure, out of place in these days of rushing and constant activities, brings me nothing but comforting memories. I am a cheap date; what can I say??!!?? Cross your fingers for a cold front!


Phyllis S said...

Oh yes, long snuggly days in bed. Aren't they the best?

Anonymous said...

I call them pajama days, and I think they are necessary for your sanity.

100 Thoughts of Love said...

I had one yesterday by myself and it was very nice!....I alternated between cleaning house and watching movies, but I never got out of my pj's !

Anonymous said...

that's exactly what I need - as soon as possible! wonderful narration, the feeling comes across really well.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think that it has been far too long since my hubby and I enjoyed such a do-nothing day.

100 Thoughts of Love said...

sadly, you almost have to schedule such a day!!