I probably shouldn't admit to this one. Larry likes his lager type beers...like Guinness. I am more of wine or girlie martini drinker. I will drink a beer here and there, only if the weather is hot and the beer is icy.This past summer he kept telling me I would have to try Octoberfest when it came out. When it finally hit the store in the fall I bought a six pack to try. Then I bought another. I was under the impression it would be available the whole month of October, so I only bought one at a time. Then one day I went in for my weekly six pack, and ...it was Winter Lager! I got the grocery store man and calmly explained what I wanted. He says "sorry lady, Octoberfest is gone". Gone from your store maybe, I thought, but not gone from everywhere. Next day at work and multiple phone calls later (I hope they don't track) to every wine and beer shop in the state....There is none left! I even called the distributor to see who might have some. Costco! They said Costco had all the remaining stock. I went on my lunch break and there was a whole entire wall of it; stacked to the ceiling, case after case! I only bought 2 cases. My wallet and waist said that would have to last me. I rationed them out through the beginning of November. No other beer has made me quite as happy since. I don't know what it is about the stuff, but..thanks Larry.
I love good beer (I go for the paler ones - ales, and the like). On a hot summer day, nothing better.
I had no idea. :-)
just wait til October...and try it!
You should branch out and try some other ales and lagers now that you like the Octoberfest!
Mmmmmm... cellar temp ale, itty bitty Guiness bubbles (I bet it IS Nitrogen instead of Carbon di-oxide) .... Pale ales, a delicious red hue... ice cold lager, golden brown and manna from the gods....
Mmmmm... beeeeeer.....
Sorry I haven't been around :(
Hey Arthur..missed ya too!!!
Did you even try the Winter Lager? It's my favorite beer ever - and that's the one I stock on when it's available (my waist complains, but I'm learning to ignore it). Sam's Winter lager is creamy and smooth, mmmmm!
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